Friday, June 25, 2010

Cosmetic Procedures

As increasing numbers of men and women seek surgical and non-surgical cosmetic enhancement, the public is becoming ever more demanding in its quest for rejuvenation of the body and face. No longer content to settle for smoother faces and perkier breasts, body-conscious individuals are now wanting younger hands, arms and even voices to complete the entire image.

Here are a few of the latest procedures which are now available, or will soon be available, to the public.

Hand Lift: For years we’ve known that the hands age more quickly than most of the body, giving away our secrets when facelifts have helped us take years off out facial appearances. Hand rejuvenation involves fat being extracted from othe regions such as the abdomen and injected into the hands to ‘plump up’ the skin and fill in depressions. The initial results should last from 7 to 10 years after which the procedure may be repeated.

Voice lift: Also known as voice modification surgery, this procedure is not as new as you may suppose, but it is not yet very well known. When a patient is unhappy with the quality or timbre of their voice, or needs a younger-sounding, clearer voice for their profession, they may consider this option. The vocal chords are literally lifted, but the results are not guaranteed to satisy 100% as the surgeon is unable to hear the voice while perforimg the surgery under general anasthaetic. It is therefore rather a risky procedure at this point in time. It can however offer help for patients who have had their vocal chords damaged in the past.

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